Sergeant Steelheart

Name: Sergeant Steelheart
Date: April 27, 2004
Player: Andrew (pawo)
Status: Active Duty

Sergeant Steelheart is a battle-hardened Care Bear soldier. He cares too much about his bears to let discipline slip for even a moment. When trouble strikes, he's quick to take charge. His goal is to make sure the Care Bears on his team always have what it takes to accomplish their caring mission quickly and with minimum casualties.

Caring Mission: To weld the Care Bears together into a world-class fighting force.
Symbol: His heart-shaped chevrons show that it's dedication to duty that earns you your stripes.
Personality: Tough, No-Nonsense, Ready for Action
Character Quirk: He carries a .45 automatic pistol as a sidearm.
Color: Olive Drab
Best Friend: Gestapo Bear
Relationship Challenge: He thinks Do-Your-Best Bear is too forgiving.
Motto: Discipline is what keeps Care Bears alive in battle.
Level 1 stare: Snap to and follow my orders, private!
Level 2 stare: I don't care if you're in a coma, snap to and follow my orders!
Level 3 stare: unknown

Andrew's notes

Some highlights: The sergeant didn't want the team to go down to Earth unarmed, so we went to see what was in "the Care Bear arsenal," which turned out to be locked. When the other bears' efforts to open the lock didn't seem to be getting anywhere, I suddenly said "I take out my sidearm and blow the lock off the door!" Shaughn ran with it: "BLAM! That's not one of those cute little 'care guns' that fires puffs of happiness, he's firing BULLETS, people!" Once we got into the arsenal, we loaded up with Care Grenades and AKare-47 Assault Rifles, and headed down to Earth in the Cloud Halftrack.

When we got there, it turned out that someone was turning everyone in New York into gay zombies. Our solution: open fire on them with our assault weapons! With so much gunfire going on, I sure was glad I'd sunk a lot of points into dexterity.

It's fun to communicate telepathically with the GM. I never actually stated what I wanted my stare to do, but at some point in the game, another bear ignored one of my orders and I shouted "Care Bear Stare!" Shaughn took the cue. Later, when we found the bears we had come to rescue unconscious in the villain's lair, I woke them all up with "Care Bear Power Stare! Atten-HUT!"

We might have gotten them all out of there alive if we'd just run away at that point instead of going on the offensive. We defeated the villain, but we lost every one of the bears we'd come to rescue. As we were leaving, I gave the other bears some advice: "If we just don't mention that little incident [where we used the hostages as cannon fodder], we'll come out of this smelling like roses."