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DACS: Audio Signal Distribution
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Audio Signal Distribution

Several audio signals need to be distributed among many modules in the mixer unit. To accomplish this, a bus architecture is used. Each bus carries eight audio signals on standard ribbon cable. Connection to each PC board is made via standard IDC sockets, and board-mounted headers. The signals on each ribbon cable bus are arranged such that they are separated by a signal ground. This helps to prevent crosstalk between channels carried on the same bus. The ground signals are only to be connected at the bus combiner module, eliminating ground loop problems. Figure 32 shows the pinouts for the audio input buses, of which there are four. Figure 33 shows the pinouts for the two audio output buses. The signal levels on these buses shall be no higher than +18dBu (about 6.15V peak).

Figure 32: Audio input bus pinouts. The 32 audio inputs are carried on four 16-pin headers. $\dag$ GND is only connected at the bus combiner board.
\hspace{0.1in} \psfig{file=fig/header-16.eps}
16 & audio in (8) (16) (24) (32) \\

Figure 33: Audio output bus pinouts. The 16 audio outputs are carried on two 16-pin headers. $\dag$ GND is only connected at the bus combiner board.
\hspace{0.1in} \psfig{file=fig/header-16.eps}
16 & audio out (8) (16) \\

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Steve Richardson 2000-07-06
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