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This appendix includes the VHDL code used to synthesize the logic for the GAL16V8 devices used as Pbus address decoders throughout the system. It is important to note that individualized addresses were required for each board in the systems. This required essentially identical VHDL code for duplicate boards, with the actual address changed. In these cases, only a representative piece of VHDL code is included. It should be clear to those familiar with VHDL how to change the actual decoded addresses. Each piece of code forces the pinouts, rather than allowing the compiler to handle those decisions. This was done because the PC boards were designed in advance of the GALs, with an assumed pinout. All of the VHDL code is well commented, thus no additional description is given with the code. For each piece of VHDL code, the pin report is included for reference. The VHDL code was compiled into standard JEDEC files through the use of the Cypress Warp VHDL Synthesizer, running on the author's Sun SPARCstation IPC. The Atmel GALs were programmed using a universal programmer in the WPI ECE Shop.

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Steve Richardson 2000-07-06
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