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DACS: TCP/IP Client Library Header, client.h
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TCP/IP Client Library Header, client.h

This header provides defines and function declarations for the TCP/IP client library.
 * DACS : Distributed Audio Control System
 *         File: client.h
 *  Description: TCP/IP client routines, header file
 *       Author: Stephen S. Richardson
 * Date Created: 04.23.95
 *  Environment: GNU C Compiler (GCC) v2.7.1, Linux i486 v2.0.28
 *        Build: library
 * The code, executables, documentation, firmware images, and all related
 * material of DACS are  
 * Copyright (C) 1997 Stephen S. Richardson - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
 * Source code control:
 * $Id: client.h,v 1.1 1997/07/25 12:15:48 prefect Exp prefect $

#ifndef CLIENT_
#define CLIENT_

#define DATA                1
#define NODATA              0

#define SUCCESS             1
#define ERROR_BADHOST       -10
#define ERROR_SOCKET        -11
#define ERROR_CONNECT       -12
#define ERROR_KILL          -13
#define ERROR_HANGUP        -15
#define ERROR_READ          -16

extern int tcpEstablishConn (char *hostname, int port);
extern int tcpKillConn (int fd);
extern int tcpWriteBuffer (int fd, char *buffer, size_t bufsize);
extern int tcpDataWaiting (int sfd);
extern int tcpReadBuffer (int fd, char *buffer, int bufsize);


Steve Richardson 2000-07-06
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