"The [G]od who created all things wanted to know what it was like to be a person on the Earth, so [H]e used [H]is power to put [H]imself into the body of a little baby, named Jesus. And [H]e learned what it was like to be born, and to be a child, and to grow up, and to go to school, and to be a grown-up man, and to build stuff out of wood, and [H]e taught people to be nice to each other, and to love each other, and to do the right things. And then [H]e learned what it was like for his body to get hurt, and to get sick, and, when [H]is body died, [H]e went up to the stars, into Heaven, and was back with [G]od, and got to see all the people [H]e loved. And then [H]e knew what it was like to be a person on the Earth." -- Sven to his kids, Easter 2014