
Quindo Septon

1. How would you describe your character? Does your character have any distinctive scars or tattoos? What about your character's voice?

Quindo is weak chinned and unassuming. His eyes are large, dark, and soft. He is on the short and squat side. He's missing the end of his left pinkie finger. His voice is still rather soft and high. Tenor. He likes to be short haired, clean shaven, and clean. He does not wear perfume or jewelry.
Quindo is starting to lose some of the baby-fat. He's been running and lifting, trying to rely less on the Force when it comes to everyday physical tasks. He no longer exclusively wears Jedi robes, but he still prefers loose and layered clothing to allow freedom of movement while obscuring his bulk.
Quindo recently had to disguise himself as a "Sith" to avoid being recognized in Hutt space while helping To'iir and company to free slaves. He shaved his head, grew his first beard, and wore Igashu's sunglasses.

2. Is your character a Jedi Warrior or a Jedi Knight. Is he just out for the action or is he the Samurai warrior/poet/scholars that Jedi are idealized to be? Or is your character simply a scoundrel? How would your character describe his profession?

If he can be said to have a goal, it's to keep everyone from getting hurt. He considers himself perhaps more knight than warrior. He does not consider himself well rounded at all. He's willing to let others take the lead in their chosen fields, and will willingly defer to those who know what they're doing. He would describe himself as a 'student'.

3. What about your character's family? Even though many characters didn't have a family life per say, what about the people that raised you? What about the other kids at the Chapter House you bunked with? What about your friends growing up? Everyone has some friends and there's almost always a singular event or type of event surrounding that relationship.

Quindo never really had a family. He was abandoned in the street and found by a Jedi and his student. The student was given the child and sent to off to give the child to the proper authorities. Of course, the student decided to sense force on the baby, likely only to practice his skills, and determined that the child had potential. This led to his subsequent adoption by the Order. Quindo and Igashu have some history. He mostly kept to himself. Also, other students likely thought him slow and stupid because he always held himself back a bit. He's never really realized his full potential. He's kind of afraid that pushing himself may lead him down a dark path.
Recently, Quindo has discovered some disturbing things about his own origins. He was found at the orphanage by Lydia Tholin (J'ror's mother) which probably explains why J'ror has maintained an interest in Quindo's studies.
He tracked down a man named Jon Septon, his father of record, who told him that his real father was actually a man who had raped his mother (Genevieve "Jane" Aubergene-Septon). The rapist was never caught, and neither Jon nor Jane could bear to raise the child. The incident also destroyed their marriage, and Jane eventually left Praeconis with a spacer named Kaleb Corvan. Kaleb was recently executed during a slave revolt on Holgam (after being captured by Igashu), and Jane is evidently a "personal servant" of Momudu on Nal Hutta. Since he is wanted in Hutt space, Quindo fears that revealing any connection to Jane would put her life in jeopardy, so he has left the matter unresolved for now.

As for friends, Quidno never really got along with his peers at the Academy, with the exception of Igashu. He got along well with his instructors and with the younger students. He used to give piggy-back rides, and T.A. for Master Jamai's primaries class.

4. What is your character's motivation? In short, when everything has gone from bad to worse to entirely hopeless, and everyone else has given up, what will keep your character going?

He doesn't want to hurt anyone. And he doesn't want to let anyone get hurt if he can help it. Perhaps he takes a little bit too much responsibility for what goes on around him.

This seems to contradict your statement that you don't want to lead. Not entirely, but it does seem to point that way.

Not responsibility in the sense of being in charge, but in the sense of feeling responsible when things go wrong. He always feels like he should have seen it coming, should have been there to help, should have been ready and prepared to prevent what went wrong. What keeps him going when the chips are down is an unwavering loyalty to the path he has chosen. If he gives his word, he will keep it. If he decides on a course of action, he will follow it through to the bitter end.

5. Who is the one person your character trusts most? Why does your character trust this one person over all others?

Quindo is by nature a very suspicious person. He is unlikely to take someone at face value unless he has known them for a long time and grown to trust them. He is more likely to trust those who are at or below his own ability levels (because it is easier for him to know if they are deliberately deceiving him), and more distrustful of those who are very powerful or in positions of power. To some extent this is due to a basic conceit that he, for the most part, can puzzle out the right path on his own, trusting to the Force to guide him. He has learned to trust his close friends; Igashu, Elbram, and Davin, as well as looking up to and admiring J'ror Tholin. So far, however, Quindo places his greatest trust solely in himself, as well as accepting the blame when he proves to be wrong.
Having faced some pretty terrible inner (and outer) demons recently on Holgam, Quindo puts even more faith in himself and his friends. Usually, if someone says "Trust me", it makes him immediately cautious. Forced to ask others to trust his actions with little to no information, Quindo has come to realize that he has gained the trust of his friends and consequently, trusts them as well. He is a bit wary of To'iir since her actions on Holgam and Nar Shatta, but he trusts all of his other regular companions' judgement. Yes, even Elbram, even after the debacle with the Hutts. If any of them had to ask Quindo to act on trust, he would back them up 100%.

6. What is your character's greatest strength? Greatest weakness?

Quindo's greatest strength is perhaps that he engenders a certain amount of trust in others. He is very loyal and willing to risk his life (even sacrifice himself) in defending those ideals he prizes. His greatest weakness lies in taking sole responsibility for defending what he believes in and blaming himself when he is not strong enough to succeed.
Quindo has come to realize that his greatest strength comes from his friends. He was able to face war, Sith, death, and the Dark Side; not because he is a bad-ass motherfucker (though he is), but because he knew that he did not have to face them alone. His greatest weakness is shame. Those few things that he is afraid to share with his friends are the only things capable of overwhelming him.

7. What does your character think of the Jedi Code or other codes of conduct? Is it a code that should be followed without question, or is it a list of guidelines? Should it be followed only when others are looking, or does it make your soul stronger? Is it completely outmoded and should be discarded?

The Jedi Code is the absolute expression of right and justice. The Code should be followed, protected, and championed at all times and at all costs. The Code is mother, the Code is Father. The Code is the armor with which the Jedi Knight clothes himself and the weapon he wields in defense of its principles. Of course, you can not always trust the Order to provide an unassailable interpretation of the Code. When in doubt, trust the Force, not any person or organization.

Realize that the Code teaches that a Jedi is supposed to give up materialism and desire for worldly things. Tholin doesn't seem to do this very well, although he isn't greedy or anything.

Rejecting materialism does not preclude ownership. Suppressing a desire for worldly things, does not mean putting your head in the sand and giving all of your funds for charity. Money is like the Force, in the sense that it is powerful, it can be used for good or evil, and it can be used or abused for the best or worst of reasons. Wealth can be as useful or even more useful than Force powers. Trying to become more powerful for the sake of power is a way to the Dark Side, likewise, a Jedi should avoid accumulating material wealth as a purpose. However, a Jedi who accumulates wealth so as to adequately fund a noble mission is not violating the Code.

8. What is your character's opinion of the Jedi Order/ Republic?

Jedi Order - The Jedi Order seems to have their collective heads in the sand. It's important to support the Order, it exists for a reason. The Order provides stability to the Jedi, as well as centralized leadership and facilities for recruiting and training those who are sensitive to the workings of the Force. The Order needs to exist if for no other reason than to train students in the ways of the Force, the Light, and the Code. Unfortunately, the Order seems to turn a blind eye toward a great deal of things which threaten the Force, the Light, and the Code. As such, there will always be a need for those who operate outside the leadership of the Council, provided that they can be watched to ensure that they adhere to the strictures of the Code, if not to the edicts of the Order. It is important to note that these are not one and the same.

Republic - Seems to work for the most part. Don't know that much about how, but stability is important and the Republic provides that for a large part of the galaxy.

The Republic has been expanding nonstop for centuries now, it's practically the only real government in the galaxy as all others have been swallowed up or made irrelevant. The Hutts maintain some autonomy, but they do have an observer in the Senate.

Like I said. It seems to work.
And it's better than some of the alternatives. Like the Hutts.

9. Does your character have any prejudices? Of course, your affiliation will give you a certain viewpoint regarding other groups, but have you developed any on your own? Have you taken the rather bland Jedi view on everything? Is there some group you just hate? If you have any of your own opinions (which I hope you do), how did you get that way? What has kept the fires of hatred burning? How have you hidden it or gotten away with it during training? What would it take to douse them, if anything?

Quindo has an abiding dislike of the Hutts. They seem largely decadent and selfish, providing only for themselves at the expense of entire other peoples. This has the potential to develop into a personal hatred, as Quindo's only real run-in with the Hutts was less than pleasant. A mention of a Hutt would evoke a sense of distaste and annoyance in Quindo. A few more encounters like the last and that could develop into something more serious.
Knowing that the Hutts are a decadently corrupt species is not a prejudice, but a simple fact. They are like the Sith in many ways, except without the Force. They should be stopped, controlled, and either rehabilitated or incarcerated. Of course they should not be summarily destroyed. Quindo would not kill a Sith without provocation, much less a Hutt, but both should be opposed at all turns.
Anyone who is presented with an obvious wrong or danger, who has the power to intervene, and doesn't, has already earned his contempt (especially those in the Order). This contempt for his "betters" can develop into outright rebellion in certain extreme situations.
Of course, the only good Sith is a neutralized Sith. Quindo is still wrestling with the dichotomy between needing to eliminate these threats, and needing to abide by the strictures of the Code. Some part of him would simply like to see them all dead... but he knows that this is not and can not be the right solution... so he waits... and struggles with moral questions with no satisfactory answer.
Quindo knows that the Light Side must be stronger than the Dark, and that all who have strayed from the Light should be capable of redemption. Quindo suspects that if EVIL can seduce GOOD, then GOOD must be capable of turning EVIL. If the only solution to a Sith is its destruction, then the Light has failed. Therefore, killing even a Sith only strengthens the Dark Side. Only through Life and the Light can there be any hope.
But then... Nakael hasn't turned yet, and Evil keeps on winning.

10. Is your character married? Engaged? Dating? Has he ever gotten to first? Is there anyone he has a crush on?

Quindo has no experience. He's shy. Igashu keeps trying to set him up with women but it never seems to work out. He maintains a general demeanor of disinterest in romantic and physical involvements.

11. To whom does your character owe the most loyalty? Who would the character choose between if there was a rift between his master and the Jedi Council?

Loyalty is given to those he trusts, within reason. Quindo would certainly not be unquestioningly loyal under any circumstance. If it actually came down to a choice of sides, he would have to weight the various sides and decide for himself. In some situations, this may result in catastrophic hesitancy and delay. Of those he current knows, if someone simply said, "Come with me, trust me.", he would be more likely to trust his fellow students or J'ror than the Jedi Council. There is no easy answer to this question. Quindo's greatest loyalty is to the Force and the Code. If it came down to it, he would have to go on instinct and trust to the Force.

12. What are your characters favorite and least favorite things? What are your character's favorite foods? What about a place he would hide in as a child?

Quindo likes strawberry ice cream, long walks on the beach, and quiet gardens with fountains or koi ponds. He likes to watch people walk by and interact naturally. He likes to paint and draw what he sees. He prefers silence to music, and the hum of a lightsaber soothes him. He does not like cabbage or being buried up to his neck in shit. He likes strong beer and dislikes wine. He prefers Cliffs Notes to reading the play, and can't sit for long at a computer screen without getting a headache. He's fond of the vaginal imagery of Georgia O'Keefe's flower paintings, and can not abide abstraction. He likes hearty, uncomplicated foods, and he doesn't mix his peas with his mashed potatoes.

13. Does your character have any recurring mannerisms? Is there something your character does when he gets nervous? When he curses, how does he do it?

He's quiet. When he sees something visually interesting, his hands are liable to twitch a bit like he's reaching for a pencil or paintbrush. When he's nervous or agitated, he has a tendency to relax into a fighting posture and place his hands comfortably within reach of his lightsaber. He does this even when he doesn't have a lightsaber. It's a completely unconscious reaction that relaxes and comforts him. Quindo doesn't really curse, but he tries to be creative when he's insulting someone, though he's more likely to be honest and matter of fact than colorful.
The more stressful a situation gets, the more likely Quindo is to make a wry joke or absurd observation. "If I've learned nothing else from all of this, it's that you must find humor in the most difficult situations, or you will begin to despair. Despair leads to the Dark Side... I'm pretty sure that humor is safe."

14. What about your character's psychology? When it comes to emotions, which ones does he have a handle on and which ones get the better of him? Is it hard for him to restrain his anger or hatred? Does his passion always get the better of him? Does he have a deep, resounding laughter that he just cannot keep locked in his belly? What song or movie brings tears to his eyes?

Anger management will always be Quindo's toughest struggle. He becomes agitated far too easily. Insults and threats directed at him will roll right off his back, but abuses of those people and things he cares strongly about will incite a seething rage in him. He has recognized this tendency and always tries to suppress his rage with calming exercises. This is one reason he has excelled at combat. The flowing forms of swordplay and martial arts allow him to focus and channel his energies in a meditative form. He actually finds that while anger may strengthen his blows, he becomes unbalanced and imprecise in his exercises. As long as he can take a combat stance, he can center and calm himself. If he were restrained in some way, his impotent rage might overcome his natural control.
He does not laugh easily, but finds it easier with friends. Quindo has never cried... he just gets mad... and then becomes dangerously calm.

15. How would your character handle an insubordinate person in their command? This can say a lot about a character and this viewpoint may change over time.

Quindo loves to delegate authority. He will gladly take a subordinate role when he feels that someone else has a better understanding of a situation. If he felt that his "superiors" were not adequately informed, he would feel confident and justified in taking command. He always wants to know as much as possible about a situation and will solicit information and advice from those under his command. If he had a student, he would likely be far too lenient a master.
If someone were deliberately insubordinate in a non-serious situation, such as in a classroom, Quindo would try to reason with them or turn it into an object lesson. If it were a serious situation, like combat or diplomacy, it would depend on the seriousness of the offense. If their actions are likely to get someone killed, Quindo would have to act quickly to stop them. Otherwise, if there were time, he would try to solicit their input. Quindo has been insubordinate enough himself to know when it's justified and when it's just dangerous.

16. How would your character's parents (or guardians) describe him?

Parents - "We never wanted a child. I hope someone was able to provide for him better than we could have."
Guardians - "A quiet kid. A bit slow. Huge but heavy heart. Holds himself back, and hesitates too much. When he gains more confidence in himself and the Force, he'll come into his own and be quite an asset to the Light."
No idea.

17. What are your character's highest ambitions? What lengths your character would go to gain that goal. What would they sacrifice to achieve their a mbition(s)?

Oh dear. Highest ambition? An end to pain. To live in the Light and follow the Code and make a difference. He's most concerned with protecting the things that make the world better. The Light side of the Force, the Republic, the Order. He's begun to think that the Order needs to be reformed but he hasn't started thinking yet that he's the one to do it. He'd support an effort to do so, and would sacrifice himself if it were necessary to build a stronger Order. He would sacrifice himself to a noble cause that he was pursuing, but would not voluntarily sacrifice another. If it came down to it, he's step up to take a bullet for Igashu, Elbram, Davin, even Nakael.
He's still deciding if using the Dark side to defeat the Dark side may not be justified in certain circumstances.

18. How much does your character view the Force as a religion? Does your character put his faith in his own abilities or in the Force?

The Force. The Code and the Force are more philosophy and spirituality than true religion. One does not worship the Force. One lets the Force guide them, and uses the Force to guide others. This is most illustrated by the idea that being stronger in Force powers does not automatically mean you are more right. If it were a true religion, stronger would have to mean holier.

19. If you could, what advice would you give your character? Take a good, long look at the other questions before answering this one. Speak to your character as if they were sitting right in front of you, and remember to use the proper tone. You'll want to make certain your character actually listens to you when you give him this free advice.

Have the courage to change what you can, the serenity to accept that which you can not, and the wisdom to know the difference.

20. Does your character have an ultimate goal, and if so, what?

Most goals are a journey, not a destination. A few obvious goals include:
Rescue Nakael.
Stop the Sith.
Develop or learn a Force based martial art.
Vindicate J'ror and reform the Order to take a more active role in policing the galaxy.

21. What is your character's secret, and what will happen if it's discovered? What are you hiding?

He hides his feelings a lot.

22. What does your character think about the political climate in the galaxy? Any other issues your character cares about?

He doesn't really understand it and he doesn't really think about it very much, except in regards to the Order's responsibilities and influence.
Slavery. Slavery is wrong and should be opposed. Is it worth sacrificing millions of lives to end it? Maybe. The Force knows that life is preferable to death, and perhaps that means that life in slavery is better than dying to oppose it. Maybe. But it should be opposed.

23. What does your character do to relax?

Sketching, painting. Martial arts. Lightsaber practice. Meditation. Eating. Going to the bar with friends. Running.

24. If the character was given 100,000 credits, what would he do with it? Would he offer it to charity, or would he hold on to it for his own ends or for a rainy day later on? What if this money was found on the street?

Find some responsible charities? Save some in trust to fund travel and Jedi business. If he were older, perhaps he would provide a scholarship for promising students at the Academy. If he found the money on the street, he would definitely try to find it's owner.

25. What is the character's view of Force Users? Of non Force Users? Of nobility? Of poor people? Of Refugees? Of aliens?

All Force users have a responsibility to everyone else to use their abilities responsibly (within the Code) to aid everyone. Those who have not been gifted with abilities in the Force should be protected. To some extent, Quindo feels sorry for those who can not sense the Force around them but also knows that it is a terribly powerful and strong temptation, even to those who have been raised in the Order all their lives, to misuse great power. It's probably better that not everyone can use the Force. Those who have power and misuse it or do not use it for GOOD should not have it. This goes for political and economic power as well as for 'mystical' power.
He hasn't met a lot of aliens, but for the most part, they're just like us, only different.

What about the large number of droids that are replacing organics in menial labor and more technical factory labor? There have been riots and many planets have anti-droid laws.

That's a very good point. One Quindo hasn't thought much about. Since the topic really hasn't come up, Quindo doesn't have much of an opinion on the matter. However, Quindo is distrustful of machinery in general. He would largely support labor movements to ensure that people would not have to lose their jobs to cheap droid units, but he's a long way from becoming a union organizer.

26. What are the names of the character's Parents and/or Guardians? Master? What do the parents do? What does his master do? What does he teach?

Quindo was a ward of the Order. His guardians were his instructors at the Praxeum. Someone presumably changed his diapers, but he's really not sure who, probably several students. His view of the world is wonderfully myopic. He grew up in the Order and was educated by the Order. He had no one single Master or guardian which is perhaps why he finds it so difficult to trust any one person.
"Father": Jon Septon (used to be an insurance adjuster, currently... unemployed?)
Biological Mother: Genevieve "Jane" Aubergene-Septon (a painter, currently a slave of Momudu)

27. What reward would your character most want to receive? Power? Glory? Station? Lightsaber crystals? A seat on the Council?

A seat on the Council would be nice. Then maybe he could start to do something about getting the Council to act more proactively. Not that he really feels that he is worthy of such an honor, and perhaps may never be. It would be nice to get a lightsaber crystal. Money is a useful tool, but not an end in itself. Quindo would like to receive, as a reward, someday, for someone to walk up to himand say "Quindo, thank you. You made this world a better place and I'm glad you were here to make a difference." That would be the best reward Quindo could ever receive.

28. What does the character's weapon look like? What make is it? Is it modified? Is it new or old and beat up? What would your ideal weapon look like?

Currently, Quindo wields a loaner saber. Eventually he would like to have his own. In all probability it will look like this:

Quindo currently has his loaner saber, which is violet-blue, and Nakael's old loaner saber, an ancient weapon with a blue-gold blade. Sometimes, he even wields both at the same time. He also habitually carries an out-dated Mark III stun pistol. Ideally, Quindo would like to wield two sabers, one of them stun. Both would have variable length and non-metal construction. Both should also be tuned up to do more "damage", and have variable light suppression.

29. Does your character worship any outside religion? What are his opinions on religion that do not include the force (or any other tenants other religions he subscribes to)?

No outside religion. How does he feel about other religions? Depends on the religion. Quindo imagines that most religions are simply manifestations of the Force. Ancestor or spirit worship are probably the result of Force imprints, "spirits" if you will. Worshipping a single God may well simply be personifying the Force. Maybe 'God' made the Force. Maybe 'God' is the Force. Worshipping a golden calf is probably simple self-delusion.

30. What is your character's favorite possession? A character should define the object that he most adores. He might carry it with him everywhere, or keep it in an important place at home.

Quindo keeps his sketch pad always close at hand. He would be very upset if he lost it. He has several sketchbooks at this point as well as a number of canvases both blank and filled. Some are back at Preconis Praxeum.

31. Who is the character's closest friend?

Igashu. Elbram is a close second.

32. What does your character love, hate, and fear? Think about your character's emotions to combat, death, lima beans, etc.

love - open natural spaces, friends, that tired feeling after a long stint of combat practice, life
hate - long periods of confinement on ship, inactivity, slavery
fear - falling to the Dark Side, indecision
combat - excitement, fear of that excitement
death - not yet, I have too much to do.
lima beans - yum. Especially with a bit of melted butter and salt.

33. Describe your character's ideal mate. Additionally, would parents/superiors/friends/relatives approve?

No idea. Probably not.

Think on this. Don't need to answer it, but as the character gets more defined, see how it goes.

If asked, Quindo would state that his 'ideal mate' would be someone who would complement him well. Someone who would add a little fun to his life, but also be insightful and wise. Maybe someone a little more book smart, a little less careful, a little more trusting. Someone different enough to keep him on his toes, but similar enough in purpose to stay largely on the same path.

34. Your character has just seen another Jedi use a Sith power. What does he do?

Quindo's lightsaber fairly jumped into his grip, the bright green blade flaring to brilliance even before it reached his hand. Balancing himself on the balls of his feet, flowing into the deadly readiness of a snake poised to strike, he faced the man who had just called on a forbidden Sith power.
"Take the power pack out of your lightsaber and come with me. I'd prefer to take you back to face the council, but I will kill you if I have to."
"Bad Nakael! No Dark Side! Fuck!"

35. How does your character feel about those that subscribe to the opposing political viewpoint (Sith vs. Jedi, Alliance vs. Empire, etc.) What about other viewpoints (Hutts, Corporate Sector, etc.)?

See above. Quindo doesn't like the Hutts very much, and he's more comfortable with a socialist viewpoint than a capitalist one. Obviously anyone who thinks that the Dark side can be dabbled in is horribly wrong, but most other opposing views are open to debate. Obviously, Quindo doesn't have enough knowledge about the galaxy around him to have an opinion on everything, and he's more than willing to change his mind or adapt his ideas about most things if someone makes a good point.

36. How will the character die? How would you like to die? How do you really think your character is going to die?

If he has to go, Quindo would like to die championing a noble cause in battle, or holding off danger while others can escape. He would die if he felt that his death would accomplish more than his continued life, but he'd definitely go out fighting.
How is he really going to die? Only time can answer that one. His greatest fear is that he may end up like Nakael, sliding down the path into darkness, and have to be put down like a rabid dog by those he loves the most.
