Joe Provo's Growing Web Louou

Did you know that there is only one 15 letter word in the English language that can be spelled without repeating a letter? That word is "uncopyrightable".

Every page on the net is "under construction". These pages are "under mutation"; they change every time they are visited, barring a few nescessary constants. If you're lazy enough to stay here fifteen minutes and your browser supports META tags, we'll reload the page for you.

Service offer: send me unsolicited, "bulk" (commercial or non) email, and I'll proof it for 50 dollars a line! See here for more info on my valuable offer!

If you want to be blackholed at the mail server, thou mewling crook-pated moldwarp, send mail to my old flame-bucket or to an old address. If you don't like something about these pages, or wish to correlate address scraping thou pribbling earth-vexing whey-face, send mail to my current flame-bucket. If you like something about these pages, send mail to web-comment where scraped appears in the mailto link.

Rather Obvious Catfish Provo Fact Number Three-Hundred:
He worked at a small movie theatre in Williamsburg, Virginia in the summer of 1989.

"Don't worry about what anybody else is going to do. The best way to predict the future is to invent it."
--Alan Kay

Might I suggest visiting my friend, Scott Lesser now.

Want more spew? There's a bug in my office. Let's eavesdrop on the engineers...

And as a parting shot, the Weekly World Spew's movie theatre coming attractions:

   Coming Soon to the Starlite Drive-In!

   Based upon TRUE events...

  *** Attack of the Demonic Virgins ***

   And You'll Also See the Blood-Chilling

   *** Satan's Wanton Ghouls from the Laundrette ***

   You May Not Be Able to Watch!
